At the Library: In addition to wonderful books to borrow, we have a fun Brio Train Table and also lend two games, Maine Animal Quest and Maine Ocean Quest. Also, we have a good collection of Legos, and kids (parental supervision requested please) are always welcome to use them at the library. Might be perfect for some rainy afternoon….
Upcoming Events and Activities
Starting September 2
with Anne Thompson

Weekly Story & Craft Time with our wonderful volunteer. She will bring a surprise activity each week. All are welcome
Preschool kids are invited to share a story followed by a simple craft project.
Maker’s Space for Kids
Occasional Dates
6:00 pm

We will have craft supplies galore. Come on down and let your imagination run wild at The Maker’s Space!
Make a castle, spaceship, dollhouse, dragon, whatever you can dream up! We have cardboard, fabric, popsicle sticks, buttons, yarn, gems, straws, markers, glue and more! All you have to bring is your creativity!
See posted updates
Lego Night
Occasional Dates
6:00 pm

Join the fun
This Program is on Break. Please check back September to see when a new session will be offered.
We have plenty of LEGO blocks for you to make your creations.
See posted updates

Thanks to all those who have donated puzzles. We have refreshed the library collection–come see what’s new.