Logo for Friends of the Library.

Friends of the Library News

In past years The Friends of the Library participated in events such as the Christmas Craft Fair table, December Bake Sale and Boutique, Pie Sale, Easter Candy/Bake Sale, Lobster Lunch and festival, and raffle ticket sales, all to support our very special library.

Through our fund-raising efforts, we were able to generously contribute toward the purchase of books, DVDs, audiobooks, and magazines. We also supported “kids’ programs”, the summer intern,  and Williams house renovations. Through our Books for Babies program, Bev Petell has visited and given books to new babies in town.

New Officers for Friends of the Library.
Kim King, Treasurer
M.T. Clark and Jo Moore, Co-Chairs

The new officers of the Friends of Library.

We are excited to share our love of the library and looking for new members to join us.

All FOL members and anyone interested are invited to our Fall Planning Meeting on Sept. 30, 9:30am. We’ll hear the year’s round-up of successful programs, choose new co-chairs, and make plans going forward.   We’d love to have your participation. Also,Please watch for our Fall Spring Bulb Sale in late September. (If you’ve wanted early Snowdrops in your Spring garden, here’s your chance.) Details coming. And,  if you enjoyed the November Soup-to-Go Sale last year, stay tuned for updates as we get into Fall. 

On-Going Activities

FOL Spring Planning Meeting

April 27, 2024

9:30 to 10:30 am

Logo for Friends of the Library.

All FOL members and anyone interested are invited to our Fall Planning Meeting. We’ll hear the year’s round-up of successful programs, choose new co-chairs, and make plans going forward.   We’d love to have your participation. 

Friends of the Library Spring Planning Meeting. We will make plans for the Spring Plant and Bake Sale (May 25), and the Annual Pie Sale (July 13). Helping hands always welcome. There may be a sneak peak at the 2024 Raffle Quilt as well. 

FOL 2024 Quilt

New Sandwich Quilters of Wayne have given this lovely quilt, Maisy Daisy to the FOL as a fund raiser for the Library.

Tickets are $2.00 each or $5.00 for 3. The drawing will be held in December.

Maisy Daisy quilt by the Sandwich Quilters of Wayne.

The Friends of the Library are selling picturesque perfect playing cards.

There are two sets; one shows a winter view of the Mill Stream, and the other a summer view of the Androscoggin Yacht Club.

The cards are priced at $6.00 per deck or two decks for $10.00. If you would like some mailed, call or email jadelbergcml@gmail.com your request.

Playing cards featuring Wayne, Maine in summer.
Playing cards featuring Wayne, Maine in winter.


Do you have an idea that could enrich the LIBRARY?

Consider joining us at FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY, FOL. We need you! Volunteer a slice of your time on your schedule.

Keeping it simple in 2023 makes for a better experience. Contact us at 207-685-3612, jadelbergcml@gmail.com.

Babies and Books

Born to Read.

When a baby is born in our community, the parents receive a board book for their newborn and information on the Cary Memorial Library.  The coordinator for this program is Bev Petell who has reported that 10 baby books were distributed this past year.  Please let the library know of any recent births in town.

Friends of the Library logo.

The Friends of the Cary Memorial Library (FOL), a volunteer group, was organized in the 1980s and is open to all.  FOL welcomes new members and new ideas.  Our Mission is to augment the library’s operating budget and enrich its offerings. The FOL supports:

  • Purchase of books, magazines, movies, and books on CD
  • Free library e-books
  • Children’s programming
  • Cultural events
  • Extended summer hours
  • Summer intern salary
  • Poetry evenings

Proceeds from our sales always go to benefit the programs and services of the Cary Memorial Library.

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